Group Leaders Role

Information for Group Leaders

The Venture Centre staff will provide tuition for your group during activity sessions. In general this is 9.00 – 12.30 ,1.30 – 5.00 and 6.30 – 8.00 p.m.  The role of visiting group leaders is to support venture centre instructors during these activity session.  Outside activity sessions it is the role of the group leaders to supervise the children.

We are in a rural area we have an obligation to minimise any disturbance to our neighbours during the night time.

At the end of evening activities approx 8.00 p.m. the instructor in charge of the group will hand over responsibility of the group to one of the groups own staff.

We request that there be no music making equipment audible off the premises after 10.00 p.m. and no other noise audible off the premises after 10.30 p.m.

Your assistance and co operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Visiting group leaders are responsible for:-

Supervision or groups whilst travelling to and from centre at start and end of their visit.

Behaviour and discipline of their group

Any special/ medical/dietary provision that may be required.

Supervision of group members who may have special needs.

Supervision of their group outside the above times.

Supervision of any of their group members not involved in the activity.

We would expect lights out and quiet with due consideration shown to other centre users no later than 10.30 p.m. unless otherwise arranged with the centre management.

On day of departure please could you aim to remove any bedding and vacate your rooms no later than 10.00 a.m.

It is greatly appreciated if rooms are left tidy.  Damage to rooms / beds will be charged to visiting group.

Complaints Procedure

In the unlikely event of a problem concerning the operation of the centre please speak to a member of our staff as soon as possible, if this is not appropriate please speak to Mike or Simon Read.  Please do not leave any problems until you go home as it is much easier for us to sort out any problems whilst you are still here.

At the end of your visit you should be given a feedback form this is important to us and will give you the opportunity to make any suggestions for the improvement of the centre which you may have.